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Category: Consultation

Deliberative Democracy: A Practice Worth Embedding

Image designed by Freepik Investing in Deliberation: A Cornerstone for Stronger Democracy As public budgets are being reviewed and set, it is worth considering where deliberative democracy fits within our broader political framework. For years, I have facilitated Citizens’ Assemblies and mini-publics, witnessing how these processes sharpen and strengthen our local democracies. Deliberative democracy, a[…]

November 25th 2024
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Some further reflections on whether ‘community is the best medicine’

In October 2018 MutualGain had the opportunity to meet a range of health and social practitioners from across the country when exhibiting at the King’s Fund conference, Community is the best medicine: making a reality of community-based health.  Although there were examples of some fantastic practice it was hard not to be left with the[…]

February 4th 2019
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Policing: Inspiration and Despair – knife crime is not our only problem

    I’ve been talking all things policing over the last couple of weeks with a broad variety of interested parties – whether it’s at the launch of the new Serious and Organised Crime Strategy, the findings from the Home Affairs Committee, or the Police Foundation Conference exploring innovation in policing. The dialogue I have[…]

November 20th 2018
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Modern Neighbourhood Policing – form or function?

Over the past few months I have shared a number of platforms with the College of Policing and the Police Foundation on the subject of Neighbourhood Policing. We agree on so much about the principles that underpin good neighbourhood policing, yet I would argue that ‘good’ cannot be achieved through function and structure alone. Effective,[…]

November 13th 2018
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Improving Democracy Through Dialogue – Stockholm, Sweden May 2018

      I am writing this during the lunchtime session of day one at the SALAR conference on Participatory Budgeting.  I am in Stockholm, Sweden (a very expensive place to eat and drink – £8 for a beer!). This blog is a way of me adopting the role of social reporter – not a[…]

May 17th 2018
Mutual Gain: This article has no featured image.

Consultation Institute Conference – Public Engagement in The Post-Truth Age

Susan Ritchie, Director of MutualGain and an Associate at the Consultation Institute, writes her latest blog about the recent Consultation Institute Conference. A useful read for all working in organisations who go to consultation, or those active citizens who might wish to challenge a decision made!     I attended the annual conference for the[…]

July 25th 2017