How do we get our news about politics?
Open University
The Open University in Wales is the largest provider of part-time undergraduate higher education in Wales. It is a world leader in providing innovative and flexible distance learning opportunities at higher education level.
Institute of Welsh Affairs
The Institute of Welsh Affairs is a think tank and charity, independent of government and political parties. We provide platforms for debate, opportunities for people to make their voices heard and agenda-setting research.
The Sortition Foundation
The Sortition Foundation are the people that you first responded to. They do the recruitment for events like this to ensure that the selection of people reflect wider society. Finding a randomly selected, representative sample of people can be a challenge so they provide expertise in the UK, Australia and the rest of the world.
We are the people who design and deliver this work. We are committed to more people getting involved in more decisions across a whole range of topics. We use different techniques to do this, and the one we are using here is a shorter version of what is often referred to as a Citizens’ Jury.
Please click here to see the blogs from each session
Link to blogs TBC
Not part of the assembly but still want to give us your views?
Link to form TBC